When was pigeon mail invented

There were even entire bands of pigeon postmen, and for greater mobility traveling dovecotes were used. Accordingly, pigeons that were used to one dovecot were transported to another, with which they were going to keep in touch. Bearing in mind that war is war, the same message for reliability was sent immediately with three birds.

Of course, wired and radio communications gradually replaced the pigeons-postmen, but the birds continued being used during the Second World War. The most distinguished feathered military postmen were often awarded. The luckiest pigeon under the number "" was even given the rank of colonel of the British Army, and after his death, he was buried with honors.

Important advantages of pigeon mail were secrecy and, most importantly, the speed of delivery. Even the ancient Greeks sent pigeons with lists of the Olympic Games winners. But the most vivid proof is the history of the famous financial empire of the Rothschilds.

According to legend, it was thanks to the carrier pigeon that Nathan Rothschild was the first in Britain to know about the victory over Napoleon at Waterloo.

This allowed him to conduct a successful operation with French securities and earn a fabulous fortune. The pigeon turned out to be a good assistant to reporters. Until the radio had been invented, the editors received information about sailing regattas using pigeons, which were previously placed in the dovecote on yachts.

However, this method of transmitting urgent information was also practiced in by Reuters reporters, so the correspondents would not waste time standing in traffic jams. Not always pigeon post served a legitimate and specious purpose. So in the time of Napoleon, when there was a customs war between England and France, pigeons often helped smugglers to transfer precious stones from the island to the continent.

And now in the regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan, these birds are used as There were cases when carrier pigeons were the only way to deliver messages. For example, in distant sea wanderings. Even the ancient Egyptians took pigeons with them during sea voyages, and then it became a common practice among other sailors.

Skip to content Home Sociology When was pigeon post invented? Ben Davis April 22, When was pigeon post invented? Are homing pigeons still used today? Who uses homing pigeons and why? How does a homing pigeon know where to go? How far do homing pigeons fly?

How do I find out who owns a homing pigeon? How do pigeons use magnetism to navigate? How did pigeons deliver messages? This means that without access to the relevant codebooks and details of any additional encryption used, it will remain impossible to decrypt.

Some , pigeons were seconded during the Second World War. They carried a wide variety of messages, flying the gauntlet of enemy hawk patrols and soldiers taking potshots at them to bring vital information back to Britain from mainland Europe. Each pigeon in service was given an identity number. Two such numbers, NURP. Either of these could be the identity of the pigeon in the chimney.

Although it is disappointing that we cannot yet read the message brought back by a brave carrier pigeon, it is a tribute to the skills of the wartime code-makers that, despite working under severe pressure, they devised a code that was undecipherable both then and now. You can search this blog using the search box below. These links will take you to other websites which are not under the control of this website.

We have no control over the nature, content and availability of these sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. RSS Carrier Pigeons Pigeon Post as a method of communication is likely as old as the ancient Persians from whom the art of training the birds probably came. Like this: Like Loading Click for weather forecast. Valletta Entrance.

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