Which alkali metal carbonate lab report

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Data: The data and the results was collected from group number In this experiment the unknown given sample was sample number 3. The data is inaccurate but consistently precise. The required data for this method is in the table below: Mass of the empty beaker Gravimetric analysis, simple weight loss, and flame test method were used toidentify the alkali metal carbonate s in three unknown metal carbonates.

The molar massusing the gravimetric analysis which was most accurate was found to be IntroductionThis lab was conducted to identify the alkali metal carbonate s in unknown three alkali metalcarbonates using three different methods, namely, gravimetric analysis, simple weight loss,and flame test method.

Gravimetric AnalysisIn this method, the reaction stoichiometry is used in the identification of the unknown alkalimetal carbonate. This reaction involves the use of aqueous barium chloride to react with theunknown alkali metal carbonate in a precipitation reaction forming barium carbonate as theprecipitate. This precipitate is isolated and weighed and through stoichiometry the moles ofthe unknown alkali metal carbonate determined and then the molar mass is estimated fromthe original measured mass of the carbonate used in the preparation of the solution.

Equation1 helps in the determination of the unknown alkali metal carbonate through the molar mass. Purchase document to see full attachment. Honor Code. Definitely coming back for more study materials. Can't find what you are looking for? Post your question on Studypool and get help from one of our expert tutors in topics ranging from mathematics to rocket science! Similar Documents. Answer Blueocean. Question: Please help me solve this problem and explain your solution: You possess a string-like fuse that burns in exactl In normal situation, the fuse string is expected to burn completely within 60 seconds i.

Chemestry Review Answer. This is a chemical property that depicts the affinity of an atom to attract a bonding electron pair. Therefore, the bigger Given that the fuse is inhomogeneous it is impossible to tell where the half-way point is in terms of time. However, going Most Popular Study Documents. You possess a string-like fuse that burns in exactly one minute. The fuse is inhomogeneous, and it may burn slowly at first, then quickly, then The specific heat of most metals is always less than 0.

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