On the Application Autostart tab click the Add button. Running Multiple Conky You may wish to run multiple instances of Conky on your desktop. You could be running a system info Conky on the left side of your desktop and a weather Conky along the bottom; the options are nearly infinite. First you need to be sure your Conky are aligned on the desktop differently, so they don't overlap each other.
You can specify the alignment of a Conky in the. You may want to name them. You should save all your Conky config files there. Next create a script that will execute all these Conky files. Something like the following:! Although this will get you started with a functioning Conky, this is only the beginning. Enjoy configuring it to your liking, and feel free to share your config files!
Originally posted The Ubuntu Forums ubuntuforums. Partners Support Community Ubuntu. Page History Login to edit. As I've looked at many people's. I've tried several peoples' "code" for their respective desktop eye candy. I've found something I like and worked it into what I want for my own desktop.
That being said, I would like to ask a question that for the life of me, I can't figure out how to remedy. The output of the configuration on my desktop is a bit wider than I'd like it to be. My primary question is how do I get it to be slimmer as in the width specifically? I will post my code below. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks guys!! Based on conky-jc and the default.
April 19th, 9. Join Date Sep Beans April 19th, Gr8 combo!!! Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page:. Then double check that your user has permission to run every command inside your configuration file and that all needed packages are installed. Conky supports two different types of transparency. Pseudo-transparency and real transparency that requires a composite manager to be installed and running.
If you enable real transparency and do not have a composite manager running your conky will not be alpha transparent with transparency enabled for fonts and images as well as the background.
Pseudo-transparency is enabled by default in conky. Pseudo-transparency works by copying the background image from the root window and using the relevant section as the background for conky. Some window managers set the background wallpaper to a level above the root window which can cause conky to have a grey background.
To fix this issue you need to set it manually. An example with feh is:. To enable real transparency, you must have a composite manager running and the following lines added to. If window type "desktop" does not work try changing it to normal.
If that does not work try the other options: dock , panel , or override instead. To achieve semi-transparency in real transparency mode, the following setup must be used in the conky configuration file:.
Using Compiz: If the 'Show Desktop' button or key-binding minimizes Conky along with all other windows, start the Compiz configuration settings manager, go to "General Options" and uncheck the "Hide Skip Taskbar Windows" option. If you do not use Compiz, try editing conky. Refer to conky 1 man page for the exact differences.
But the latter option enables you to snap windows to conky s border using resize key-binds in e. Openbox, which the first one does not.