Where is auberdine darkshore

It is accessible by either a boat or a hippogryph ride from Rut' Theran village, or you can take a boat from Azuemyst Isle or the Wetlands in the Eastern Kingdoms. It is meant for levels 10 - 20 and is Alliance controlled. The main city is Auberdine which has all of the regular necessities of any alliance minor city. There is no horde city. This is expected to be the second zone for Night Elves to quest in. To the east of Auberdine are multiple caves surrounded by Moonkin. To the north and south east are two "sister" ruins, Bashal' Aran, and Ameth' Aran.

To the far south, on the east side of the road is the grove of the Ancients, there are some quests there. To the west is a beach which are inhabited by many forms of murloc and crawler crabs. To the far north is the ruins of Mathystra, inhabited by naga, who are believed to be evolved murloc. A bit south of Mathystra is the Cliffspring River, which has a cave in it to the far east, inhabited by naga, and another cave to the south.

In between all of the landmarks are multiple groups of beats that can be skinned, including bears and Moonstalkers. There are also many skinnable critters. Comment by Kinta This is no longer connected by boat to Wetlands. It was instead replaced on the opening of patch 3. There is no longer a boat path being used in Wetlands where the old path used to lead to.

I, along with many others, have all waited at the old wetlands landing for well over 30 minutes before deciding that it was gone. It will also give hordies a new entrance point into Stormwind to raid ;p Flanking, anyone? I've fell through the earth several times in all these years, and most of them, after exploring vast land masses without texture and dying, I always end up walking as a ghost in this place, without a body to return to.

This place is spooky. Comment by A cool bit of information lorewise about this zone is the Old God that lies dead here. As far as we know, this was the only Old God killed in the battle between the Titans and the Old Gods. The others were sealed away to be released another day. Tanaris, you only have to fly to Theramore, take a boat to Menethil, take a fly to Stormwind, and take a boat to Auberdine.

Thanks a lot Blizzard Comment by qushiner Aberdeen - A beach in Scotland! Where Blizzard got the name for the town with all of my best memories!

Comment by That corpse is one of the old gods which was slain by the titans, if you want to see the closest thing to what it looked like check out C'thun, another of the old gods. I believe that the leveling here is downright simple and you have a Main City near by for any thing you might need through the process. The quests are simple enough that you can probably do them without even checking this website.

The size of the zone does kind of take away from it but once you get used to it the shape makes up for that. There are also 2 Fishing quests I have done here that I thought you should know about Comment by Meggie I dislike this area. First, it's narrow and stretched.

Quests make you pingpong between the town and the edges of this realm. Distances are too great without a mount. Second, these mobs are nasty. The bears spread diseases and the moonkin hit like they're elite. If you happen to wake up in this part of the world, get the boat to Bloodmyst Isle.

And enjoy leveling. Comment by Does anyone know what the island here is used for? I just swam here, and there is nothing but a destroyed human house here. Comment by Thottbot i had a lag when i was entering the bloodvenom camp, fell down the great clif beside the camp, and died. Comment by Thottbot Has anyone noticed the Troll city that is technically in Darkshore but north of mythstral ruins? If you fly from Moonglade to Auberdine you will see a city were there are just a bunch of trolls level folk dancing next to a small lake.

What is that? Can you even get into it? Any horde have any idea what I'm talking about? Comment by Thottbot darkshore is the most annoying, depressing place, the music make you want to cry, the quests are long, repetitive and boring and yet everyone, including humans and gnomes the furthest people from it go there. Comment by Thottbot sure darkshore is an annoying zone where the quest are long you have to walk back and forth etc Comment by Thottbot i found a huge darkshore thersher that swam faster then a mount ran in northern darkshore waters it belonged to a faction thingy called the mealstrom survivors i serached it but nothing showed up can some1 explain plz.

Comment by Thottbot yeah ive tried to kill the it Comment by Thottbot Two words: Foreststrider Clutchmothers. Comment by Thottbot Ive been there before, There was about 20 ppl trying to get there. You definitly need a mount and a slow fall pot or if ur a mage. Dont try to kill them btw. Comment by Thottbot Darkshore is a good place to lvl. Say ur a human rouge and u finished all the quests in west that r for ur lvl and u dont wana kill things to lvl which is way slower than doing quests.

Go to Darkshore and do all quests there that will get u up to lvl to do the higher lvl quests in Westfall. Something incredibly terrible kinda JUST happened to a town on the sea side Comment by kazumi After the cataclysm, this zone is still the second questing zone for Night Elves. But other zones are getting changed. Comment by I seem to be the first one to post a new comment since The Shattering No I'm not, and I'm going to say that the new Darkshore is simply amazing.

It's atmospheric, it's smooth, it's fun, and it's quite possibly the best leveling experience I've ever had in any RPG. If you still have yet to play in the new Darkshore, roll a Night Elf and do it. You will not be disappointed. The new quests really strike hard if you've leveled a Night Elf before. You see the huge changes that were brought on by The Cataclysm, and you see old NPCs that you might not even have paid attention to come to light, or die.

The part with Grimclaw and Volcor was moving, to put it lightly. Then there's the Maw of the Void, something which is best to be discovered. I jumped into the whirlpool not knowing what to expect, and ended up discovering the secrets of a Demon Hunter.

The vehicle sections are also awesome, as are the normal quests. Darkshore in Cataclysm is, and I can say this with full honesty, my new favorite zone. One last note: it's absolutely beautiful. Comment by It's tricky to get around with a mount now, so the added flight paths are welcome. The new quests are defintely a bonus, but be sure you know exactly what you're being asked to do before you set out, because many require more than simply grinding and you'll waste a whole lot of time if you don't.

However, there is a throughly evil sound around the Grove of Ancients: maybe it's the sibilant wind from The Eye of the Vortex, but it seems alien and mis-placed, almost prompting me to call the police because I thought a child was being tortured next door.

It's a horribly uncomfortable sound. Thanks also to Girog for the Void tip. No boats Comment by roguedragon Darkshore is one of the most changed zones after the Cataclysm; very few of the old quests even remain, and those that do have been tweeked somewhat.

One of the new features in the zone is the free transportation in the form of nightsabers from the sentinels: you can use them kind of like a flight path to get to various points throughout Darkshore, including Lor'Danel, the Ruins of Mathystra, and some other highborne ruins south of Lor'Danel. There has also been a new flight path added in the Master's Glaive and the old boats that ran out of Auberdine have been moved to the new Rut'theron village.

On a silly note: though its commonly believed that the devastation in Darkshore has been caused by one of Chuck Norris' roundhouse kicks, it really was due to a sneeze from Deathwing A roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris wouldn't have left anything behind. Comment by Volviga I used to hate this zone, because of the silly design of the quests wich let you walk from the almost most-southern point of Darkshore to the north, wich was devistating at the time, without mounts at lvl 20 etc. And even after that, I hated the zone.

It just didn't do it for me. But now This zone has jumped from "Probably the most terrible zone to quest" to "Might be the most awesome zone" on my zone-list. I never had so much fun doing quests before, except maybe for the Elwynn and Duskwood quests Or wait, no I don't want to know it.

I want to find it out myself ingame, if possible, ofcourse Comment by JohnPWest My only complaint is that my Worgen was 13 by the time he left Worg newbieland, and a lot of these quests had turned green. I wish there was a way to shortcut the new newbie zones. Warg Shadow Priest of Gnomeregan. There is no docks in Darkshore since cataclysm! Comment by It looks like an achievement is missing called Ghosts in the Dark.

I played a Worgen character in Darkshore, and, on the advice of another player, I jumped into the Maw of the Void the really big whirlpool in North Darkshore and I was "sucked down the drain" to another area. I got the Going Down achievement on entering due to the drop. There is a Cenarion Circle druid sitting there. Ignore her for now. Go up the embankment, fight a few undead, then you will see a Demon Hunter at the top.

Kill him and he will drop a quest item that gives a quest to go to Ranger Glynda Nal'shea in Lor'Danel. Upon turning it in, the achievement will be gained. The residents' jovial demeanor is but a thin veneer covering a grim determination to protect their homes. There are few armed forces in a military sense, but local scouts and rangers serve as a ready militia and are prepared to defend their quiet hamlet to the death.

This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm. Auberdine was destroyed by the upheaval caused by Deathwing 's return in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm , and is known as the Ruins of Auberdine. A new night elf encampment, Lor'danel , in northern Darkshore has replaced Auberdine as the primary base of operations.

The port between mainland Kalimdor and the islands Teldrassil and Azuremyst , as well as to the Eastern Kingdoms, will be located in Rut'theran Village. Since cataclysm, there are no travel connections to Auberdine, and Rut'theran houses a flightmaster and piers for boat connections. Flight prices had the usual discounts according to the player's reputation with the Flight Master city Darnassus.

Auberdine was basically the port for Night Elves , because it had direct access to Rut'theran Village , and it goes to most of Kalimdor and Stormwind City. Post away! Log in , it's free! Just to see how far I can get. It also works the other way around to skip from the harbor to dun morogh if your friend wanted to run to you.

I figured it was because the maker of that video had GM mode enabled and was walking through NoClip invis walls or something. Step 1: get naked. Not you, your toon. Put your shirt back on. Dump your weapons too, why spend copper on fixing things? Step 2: Head east from your staring zone. Step 7: Corpse-run back to your corpse.


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