What is the significance of umma

This is the Christians Hope. There is an important message here for Muslims: only a society in which the executive, legislative and judicial functions are in the direct control of God can be considered a divine order.

Anything less, i. The Christian Broadcasting Network. Translate Close. Are you seeking answers in life? The respect and popularity that the religious scholars enjoyed made them the effective brokers of social power and pitched them against the political authorities. After the first four caliphs, the religious and political authorities in Islam were never again united under one institution. Their usual coexistence was underscored by a mutual recognition of their separate spheres of influence and their respective duties and responsibilities.

Often, however, the two powers collided, and invariably any social opposition to the elite political order had religious undertones. Sufism An ascetic tradition called Sufism , which emphasized personal piety and mysticism and contributed to Islamic cultural diversity, further enriched the Muslim heritage. In contrast to the legal-minded approach to Islam, Sufis emphasized spirituality as a way of knowing God. During the 9th century Sufism developed into a mystical doctrine, with direct communion or even ecstatic union with God as its ideal.

One of the vehicles for this experience is the ecstatic dance of the Sufi whirling dervishes. Eventually Sufism later developed into a complex popular movement and was institutionalized in the form of collective, hierarchical Sufi orders.

The Sufi emphasis on intuitive knowledge and the love of God increased the appeal of Islam to the masses and largely made possible its extension beyond the Middle East into Africa and East Asia.

Sufi brotherhoods multiplied rapidly from the Atlantic coast to Indonesia; some spanned the entire Islamic world, others were regional or local. The tremendous success of these fraternities was due primarily to the abilities and humanitarianism of their founders and leaders, who not only ministered to the spiritual needs of their followers but also helped the poor of all faiths and frequently served as intermediaries between the people and the government.

The Abbasid Dynasty Islamic culture started to evolve under the Umayyads, but it grew to maturity in the first century of the Abbasid dynasty. The Abbasids came to power in AD when armies originating from Khorasan, in eastern Iran, finally defeated the Umayyad armies. The Islamic capital shifted to Iraq under the Abbasids.

After trying several other cities, the Abbasid rulers chose a site on the Tigris River on which the City of Peace, Baghdad, was built in Baghdad remained the political and cultural capital of the Islamic world from that time until the Mongol invasion in , and for a good part of this time it was the center of one of the great flowerings of human knowledge.

The Abbasids were Arabs descended from the Prophet's uncle, but the movement they led involved Arabs and non-Arabs, including many Persians, who had converted to Islam and who demanded the equality to which they were entitled in Islam.

The Abbasids distributed power more evenly among the different ethnicities and regions than the Umayyads had, and they demonstrated the universal inclusiveness of Islamic civilization. They achieved this by incorporating the fruits of other civilizations into Islamic political and intellectual culture and by marking these external influences with a distinctly Islamic imprint.

As time passed, the central control of the Abbasids was reduced and independent local leaders and groups took over in the remote provinces.

Eventually the rival Shia Fatimid caliphate was established in Egypt, and the Baghdad caliphate came under the control of expanding provincial dynasties. The office of the caliph was nonetheless maintained as a symbol of the unity of Islam, and several later Abbasid caliphs tried to revive the power of the office. In , however, a grandson of Mongol ruler Genghis Khan named Hulagu, encouraged by the kings of Europe, led his armies across the Zagros Mountains of Iran and destroyed Baghdad.

According to some estimates, about 1 million Muslims were murdered in this massacre. In and Hulagu's forces marched into Syria, but they were finally defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt, who had taken over the Nile Valley.

For the next two centuries, centers of Islamic power shifted to Egypt and Syria and to a number of local dynasties. Iraq became an impoverished, depopulated province where the people took up a transitory nomadic lifestyle. Iraq did not finally experience a major cultural and political revival until the 20th century. The Presence of Islam in the 20th Century Many of the accepted Islamic religious and cultural traditions were established between the 7th and 10th centuries, during the classical period of Islamic history.

However, Islamic culture continued to develop as Islam spread into new regions and mixed with diverse cultures. The 19th-century occupation of most Muslim lands by European colonial powers was a main turning point in Muslim history. The traditional Islamic systems of governance, social organization, and education were undermined by the colonial regimes. Nation-states with independent governments divided the Muslim community along new ethnic and political lines.

Today about 1 billion Muslims are spread over 40 Muslim countries and 5 continents, and their numbers are growing at a rate unmatched by that of any other religion in the world. Despite the political and ethnic diversity of Muslim countries, a core set of beliefs continues to provide the basis for a shared identity and affinity among Muslims.

Yet the radically different political, economic, and cultural conditions under which contemporary Muslims live make it difficult to identify what constitutes standard Islamic practice in the modern world. Many contemporary Muslims draw on the historical legacy of Islam as they confront the challenges of modern life. Islam is a significant, growing, and dynamic presence in the world. Its modern expressions are as diverse as the world in which Muslims live. The Quran on Human Embryonic Development :.

The Quran on the Origin of the Universe. What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? Life after death, the Day of Judgment, Paradise, and Hellfire. What is the Purpose of Life? Jesus in Islam. Human Rights In Islam. Following the Messenger of Allah is a must. Sunna the second book that has to follow:. Women: polygamy. Al-Islam "Our objectives are to digitise and present on the Internet quality Islamic resources, related to the history, law, practice, and society of the Islamic religion and the Muslim peoples with particular emphasis on Twelver Shia Islamic school of thought.

We would also like to invite everyone to spare a few moments of their life to read and think. Ar-Refai Islamic Website A well organized and extensive collection of general and academic resources.

Darsh, chairman of the UK Shari'ah Council. Emam Reze A. The Foundation of Islam and Dialogue "Mission Statement To emphasize that Islam is based on principles such as affection, compassion, mercy, and tolerance and certainly not on violence, hostility, and terror; that all religions are based on these principles and therefore all conflicts of the past should be abandoned in order to initiate a warm dialogue and to free our world from the agony of war and conflict, carrying her into a peaceful and fortunate future.

Institute of Islamic Studies - London " It intends to facilitate academic debates and discussions on issues that are thought to be highly important to Iran, Middle East, Northern Africa, other Muslim Countries and the Muslim communities living in Europe and North America.

It is rich in information, references, and bibliography. It has been reviewed and edited by many professors. It is simple to read, yet contains much scientific information. The Islam Page. Both practice and academic selections.

Includes sections on Islamic movements, history, dictionaries, texts, women, Hajj, pictures, chat rooms, Islamic countries among others.

A wonderful Resource Produced by Ibrahim Shafi. PBS Online. Islamic Studies, Arabic, and Religion Web Page An important academic site that includes language aids, maps, art, music, history, texts, a glossary, sections on Sunni Islam, Sufism, and a lot more.

Bunt, Dept. Although there is a fine line between the histories of Islamic thought and Muslim civilization, it is useful to treat the study of Islam, the faith, somewhat differently than history, politics and analysis of Muslim peoples. Cole, Dept. By Dr. Alan Godlas, University of Georgia. Understanding Islam "This site epitomizes a movement. A movement to reform intellectual stagnation.

This is an attempt to go back to the original sources of Islam -- the Qur'an and the Sunnah , in a time when blind acquiescence is in vogue In our pages you will find us working towards these objectives by explaining Islam from various aspects and by responding to criticisms and queries.

This in fact is an academic effort targeted towards understanding of Islam and any abusive or emotional attitude in its response will not be a deterrence. However, it would be appropriate to mention two additional features of the site. Firstly, the inclusion of our Urdu articles under the title of 'Ishraq'. Secondly, in the near future, rendering of different issues in the form of brief audio files. The Way to Truth Understanding Islamic Religion This well designed site includes a lengthy index of categories to choose from as well as selected readings.

The site is especially useful for anyone wanting a thorough introduction to Islam. Additional Sites of Interest. Adab Islami Literature of Islamic Writers. He had a large number of followers who were devoted to his movement. He was a genius and earned many different types of degrees and broke all previous records at the Punjab University in Pakistan, and at the Oxford and Cambridge Universities of England.

Canadian Society of Muslims. Includes Topics on Faith. In Memory of Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan "Dr. Michigan State University awarded Honorary Doctorate.

International Institute of Islamic Thought. International Society for Islamic Secularization. Islam " It includes an introductory course on Islam and presents Islamic views on contemporary issues. The section on comparative religious studies has articles on the commonality and differences between Islam and other religions. Islamic Center of America. Shahmaghsoudi School of Islamic Sufism A nonprofit religious and educational organization.

A beautiful site. Maintained by Khalid Shaukat. Totally Tessellated "Included is an extensive historical gallery which draws images from many sources. Mathematics-oriented, user-friendly tutorials filled with helpful illustrations and animations help users understand and create tessellations. Who is Our Savior? Women in Islamic Society By Prof. Abdur Rahman I. Women in the Quran and the Sunnah By Prof. World Council of Muslim Women Foundation.

Pecorino All Rights reserved. Web Surfer's Caveat: These are class notes, intended to comment on readings and amplify class discussion. They should be read as such. They are not intended for publication or general distribution. Return to: Table of Contents for the Online Textbook. Philosophy of Religion. Chapter 2. You reading should indicate why this is so.

Special thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for their contribution to our site. The information above came from Microsoft Encarta.

Here is a hyperlink to the Microsoft Encarta home page. Related Sites:. Reference Desk. Muslims in China. Digital Library. Prophet Muhammad said to his companions, "Does it please you that you will be one-fourth of the people of Paradise?

Supplicate for me! Forgive Aisha her past and future sins, what she has hidden, as well as what she has made apparent. Prophet Muhammad said, "Does my supplication make you happy? Every member of the Ummah is regarded as equal before God.

There is no distinction between black and white and any colour in between. Islam brings everyone together into one community; all are equal members regardless of gender or status. It commands us to follow the guidance and heed the warnings contained in the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad. And it is only through piety can one person be raised above another.

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User Comments View comments. Add a comment. It is very enlightening to see how the Prophet provided a solution to this question. In this way, there never was a purely political, a secular Ummah, nor a plural religious community. Here we notice an important change.

The Islamic Sunnah has a divine origin, it is not human law. Every innovation introduced by Muhammad to the old Sunnah has a Divine sanction, who obeys Muhammad obeys God. All the rituals of Islam, for instance, in regard to the pilgrimage, prayers, alms and fasting, were inspired by God and passed on to Muhammad.

The same applies to decisions the Prophet took with regard to the social life of the Islamic community.


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