What do chanters do in aion

Chanters also possesses a variety of buffing, recovery and curing skills, which makes this class very versatile. This allows a Chanter to not only buff its own abilities, but to also enhance nearby allies as well.

Having the highest efficiency among all the classes for recovery and buffing magic means that in addition to grouping with others, the Chanter can effectively play alone when allies are not around. However, Chanters have few attack skills that can defeat an opponent quickly. When fighting multiple opponents, the Chanter can encounter some trouble due to its attack power being low.

Although this can hinder a Chanter, it can fend off multiple enemies in a short fight because of its healing capabilities.

If the fight goes for to long, however, the Chanter is liable to run out of mana to cast heals It is generally good to equip a mace and shield in order to have the best defense. However, at the right moment it may be beneficial to equip a staff to make use of the higher attack power when using chain skills. Group Play. Mantras have a short range, however, and a Chanter will need to place itself where its group members can most benefit from them.

I suggest you skip gearing for Magic Resist unless you have excess money as the amount of Magical Accuracy classes have access to are very high right now and requires an investment in order to have an effect.

Which results in double the metals and AP.. Therefore, a cheap option is to go for the Arena Gear. An example of this cheap gear:. You can get respectable stats. An example of this type of set:. A good goal order for PVP gearing is:. You do more damage with the top half, but the bottom will reduce damage which is effective both as a support chanter AND as an offensive chanter. Essence points:. Pretty simple for chanters, to be honest.

Things to add later:. Some PVP and stuff I guess, more videos and screens, nice fancy banner. Great post! The extra flight speed is nice, and also, the flight time recovery by 3 seconds is good for when you get your wings clipped and you've lost the flight recovery buff from the landing due to dying.

Also also, Word of Inspiration can be nice to keep in your inventory for when you have a hybrid build that doesn't give the Word of Instigation vision stigma. Obviously not as good as Instigation, but as least your group is still getting something. Really nice guide! I will be using it to get back into playing chanter. Used to be a very lovely class back before 4. They were lovely back when they were mantra bots? Sort of.

I know that feels. Was always nice to have them, but hey, they are still useful! I don't main a chanter and this is all from a cleric's perspective so the followings can be very wrong but Also it's a defensive mantra at the same time. Easy example, imagine there are two equally geared groups. But then group A has Hit Mantra on. Group A magic DPS now have crit spell, clerics have spell resist.

So group A magic DPS have Either this or I'm not too updated with 5. Basically in 5. If the enemy has enough strike resist, your hit mantra will do effectively nothing. If they are not strike resist, then it's completely overkill as people have enough crit strike from gear to be crit capped..

Non gear capped players do not have the effective spell resist or spell crit to make effective use of those stats. HP sets are more of a legacy from when Infinity Shard came out and people didn't want to get one-shot by Hyperion's nukes which still didn't require an HP set if you were smart about your CDs, but that's asking too much for the average player nowadays I guess.

Even a low budget Strike Resist set can reach 1. Kind of just reinforcing my point that hit mantra is more effective with P2W players and that it wont effect much in the grand scheme of things I don't think making a SR set with Agi 10s is even advisable. SR is a good baseline for a cheap and effective melee defensive set but not the endgoal.

Block is still more effective if you can make it and if you can make Agi 10 SR with Arena or something, chances are you can invest a little bit more and make a HP10 Boundless Block. And yes, I'm aware low budget strike resist can hit that number.. In terms of HP values, its obviously not advised to completely stack HP. It's obviously a waste after a certain point. It's an introduction to chanters, not the min max version.

In BOS, it's required and will be looked for. You can't die. It's not like other PVE content which you can cheese a bit and predict things with defensive skills. You can hit those numbers and then start to fiddle with stats. HB3 sucks, is really inefficient, and consdiering Reinforced Apollon's gear has baseline heal boost numbers you can socket full HP without issue.

But with Apollon's gear and the inability to socket ancients in archdaeva gear, it's not really required and you can use Apollon's as a heal boost set with HP stones in place of one in PVP. For the record I've found that I really can't afford to stay in heal boost for very long.

Maybe it's the fact that the groups I tend to face are very coordinated such as Bring Your Mains or Access Denied but they will hardswap to me because if I'm alive, the cleric isn't likely to die, and my mantras and defensives go away allowing for much easier kills. I personally think that defensive sets should be at the very bottom of the priority list. You're already a semi-tank who becomes slightly stronger when people attack you, so there's no reason for a group to focus you and no reason for you to sit in a defensive set.

The only plus for WoP in PvE is elemental defence, which This is such a Rinku thing to say. I love reading guide for chanters, it makes me thinking of the awesomeness of this class. Unfortunately, what happened in game is not as sweet as in any guide I have read.

Oh well chanters life I don't think chanters needs their mantras do be buffed. Maybe the vision stigma needs more MB and Hit Mantra should be heavily upgraded because 5. Are you referring to how it switches to the entire group instead of just myself? I've been waffling back and forth on "purchasing" this, but I'm not sure if it's worth the 25CP sacrifice.

I'm only level 71, so I don't have a ton of CP yet. Is it worth it? You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Release Date. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.

The film is based on the novel by Kevin Jakubowski. The executive producers are Kevin Jakubowski and Whitney Brown. Bethesda Has an Idea for Fallout 5.


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