Can i wash wetsuit in washing machine

Many of us would love to spend our weekends and holiday having some great fun. There are many ways by which we can do it and spending the entire day on a beach or taking part in some underwater activities can certainly be a lot of fun. This could be a memorable way to spend your leisure time with your family members.

However, you may have a problem once you are back from the beach resort or other such places. You may have to find answers to the question: can I wash my wetsuit in the washing machine?

There is no doubt that wetsuits are wonderful because of a number of reasons. They help you to remain warm and comfortable when you find that the water temperatures are dropping. But taking care of them and ensuring that they are clean and in good condition could be a bit difficult.

There are two basic things that you must bear in mind when you are planning to wash your wetsuit in your washing machine. Neoprene is one of the most important and critical materials as far as your wetsuit is concerned. It resembles a rubbery foam that has a thick layer over it.

The thick layer is extremely vital because it keeps you warm when the water temperature falls down below comfort levels. It does so by trapping the water that remains inside the wetsuit. You will de-laminate the fabric where you rub. DON'T use solvents, alcohol, lighter fluid, wax remover or any petroleum based product. You already new that. Most of the time, rinsing your wetsuit with fresh water and thoroughly drying it will keep your wetsuit fresh and odor free.

But if your wetsuit gets smelly, wash your wetsuit in a tub of fresh, warm water not hot. Use one of the special wetsuit soaps or a small amount of baby shampoo. Gently wash it by hand. Rinse your wetsuit thoroughly to get all the detergent off, and then dry your wetsuit on a suitable hanger in the fresh air. Although peeing in your wettie will not damage the neoprene, it will make it stink — so don't do it!

Keep your wetsuit nice and clean! The Hangpro wetsuit hanger is great. I wanted to say that this actually works. My wetsuits are all in better overall condition after using this hanger for more than 3 years now.

No creasing at the hanging area, My wetsuits are wearing out from use, not from a crappy hanger. Thanks HangPro. Great info and especially useful on proper cleaning and rinsing to avoid smelling like a rat an to prolong the useful life of a good suit.

Thank you. I mean, it's not like just anybody could find a bar, or chairback or whatever to fold the suit over. It pretty much requires a specially made piece of plastic to do it right. And plastic hangers aren't cheap to make, ya know. Well, ok, they aren't cheap to advertise anyway.

If you rent wetsuits, how can you sanitize them after each use to prevent Covid transmission? Plus, alcohol may damage It? COVID spreads through air mainly.

This all sounds great in theory but in real life it is almost mission impossible. There are two ways to do this:. The best way to store a wet wetsuit is inside a dry bag, a 15L dry bag will comfortable fit on wetsuit and 30L dry bag will fit two. Once the wetsuit is off, do not leave it to rot inside a bag, box wherever… all messy and sandy.

Clean it and dry it. Regular care ads quite some time to the wetsuit lifespan. Here you can find a few tips on how to rinse and dry your wetsuit. Rinsing your wetsuit with fresh water will remove sand and dirt but what is even more important it will remove salt.

Salt crystals are also one of the enemies of neoprene. So make sure you always rinse your wetsuit with fresh water before you start drying it! Have a jug of water in your car and then pour it inside the dry bag. Push and pull your wetsuit a few times through the water and then take it out. Do not wash you wetsuit in the washing machine and dry it in a dryer! So keep you mum, wife or girlfriend away from your dirty wetsuit. Clean it yourself. It is not very wise to iron your wetsuit. Just by the look of it you can assume that rubbery stuff is not the place to put your hot iron.

But still, this is the standard warning in the wetsuit instructions and is there for a reason. You should never use bleach or strong washing powder on your wetsuit. But there are some mild washing powders made especially for washing your wetsuits. Does your wetsuit stink so much that your neighbors knock on your door to check if someone died? Did your wetsuit became your cats favorite place to look for fish?

There are a few reasons for the smelliness. Basic reason is our sweat and body oils that our skin produces. These are breeding ground for the bacteria which are in fact the thing that smells bad in a wetsuit. You can of course make your wettie extra stinky if you are lazy — you leave your wet wetsuit in a bag for a while instead of washing it right away. The other reason for odor is your urine. Try not to pee as much in it, because pee also deteriorates the neoprene and leaves a funky smell.

Then there is dirty and stinky water, algae etc… Fortunately there is a solution to wetsuit odor. There are special soaps for washing your wetsuit and removing the stink. Then recently I came across another easier way of getting rid of the smell. Once every couple weeks, throw your wetsuit in a tub of fresh warm water not hot with a couple of caps of dishwashing detergent.

Wash it and the detergent will break down the body oils and wash away the bacteria that leads to smelliness. Rinse your wetsuit in fresh water so you get all the detergent off, then dry your wetsuit in the fresh air.

Try to repeat this every few weeks of course depending on how much you use it and your wetsuit will be odor free. Thoroughly wash the wetsuit inside out; 5. Put the wetsuit in a container filled with water; 6. Apply the wetsuit cleaner and conditioner; 7. Lather your wetsuit to help the shampoo get inside the neoprene; 8.

Let it soak for 10 minutes; 9. Remove the wetsuit from the water container; Fold it and let the wetsuit dry naturally from the inside out;. Share this article. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. Share on Linkedin.


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