Read: Ab training without even trying. Calorie-burning, heart-pumping cardio also has a place in your ab-revealing program. Both experts recommend a mix of high-intensity interval and steady-state sessions, two to four times per week, depending on how much excess weight you have to lose. A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that ab exercises are something you should do every day, a la crunches for breakfast.
One of the simplest ways to try HIIT at home is to switch between walking and sprinting for 20—30 seconds at a time. You can also try alternating between high-intensity exercises like jumping jacks, mountain climbers and burpees with a short break in between. High-intensity interval training can help increase fat burning and may be especially useful for reducing belly fat and achieving six-pack abs.
Water is absolutely crucial to just about every aspect of health. It plays a role in everything from waste removal to temperature regulation.
Staying well-hydrated may also help bump up your metabolism , burn extra belly fat and make it easier to get a set of six-pack abs. Water requirements can vary based on a variety of factors, including age, body weight and activity level. However, most research recommends drinking around 1—2 liters 34—68 ounces of water per day to stay well-hydrated.
Studies show that drinking water can temporarily increase metabolism, reduce appetite and increase weight loss to help you lose stubborn belly fat. Heavily processed foods like chips, cookies, crackers and convenience foods are typically high in calories, carbs, fat and sodium.
Not only that, these foods are typically low in key nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Nixing these unhealthy junk foods from your diet and swapping them for whole foods can increase weight loss, reduce belly fat and help you achieve a set of six-pack abs. This is because it takes more energy to digest whole foods rich in protein and fiber, which can burn more calories and keep your metabolism up The nutrients in whole foods, like protein and fiber, also keep you feeling fuller to curb cravings and aid in weight loss 15 , Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all nutritious alternatives to prepackaged convenience items like frozen meals, baked goods and salty snacks.
Processed foods are high in calories, carbs, fat and sodium. These foods require less energy to digest and are also lacking in important nutrients like protein and fiber that can aid in weight loss. Cutting back on your consumption of refined carbohydrates can help you lose extra fat and gain six-pack abs. Refined carbs lose most of their vitamins, minerals and fiber during processing, resulting in a final product that is low in nutritional value. Eating lots of refined carbs can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to increased hunger and food intake Eating plenty of whole grains, on the other hand, has been linked to a reduced waist circumference and lower body weight It doesn't even take a whole lot of extra protein to make a big difference.
Adding just 15 percent more protein into your diet could do the trick, according to one study. Here are the best high-protein foods to start eating now if you're not already.
Almond-Sunflower Seed Protein Cookies , anyone? Staying well-hydrated isn't just good for your skin and system overall, some research suggest that it can actually help you burn more calories and lose more body fat too. Drinking approximately 17 ounces of water can boost your metabolic rate by up to 30 percent for anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes as it boosts your energy expenditure, according to research. The same study found that you burn 23 calories for ever 17 ounces of water you drink, just FYI.
You remember that childhood story about the grasshopper, who only had just enough to get by, and the ant that stockpiled every bit of food it could to save for the future? Yeah, well your body is basically the ant in that fable. It stores any excess fuel from food it's not burning right away as fat to be broken down for energy at a later date.
So, consuming them in moderation is a key if you're interested in figuring out how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time in order to create more definition in your six-pack region.
Here's some more food for thought: Refined carbohydrates, like white bread, flour, and rice, can send your blood sugar levels on a roller coaster ride making you feel hungry and reaching for food to balance yourself out.
What's more, people who ate higher levels of refined grains vs. Instead, reach for complex carbohydrates , which have a low-glycemic index, meaning they won't spike your blood sugar, and they'll make you feel fuller for longer because the are also good sources of fiber.
Plus, they're the easiest nutrient for your body to break down when it needs energy. Eating a high-fiber diet is good for your overall health. Your lower half houses more muscle. The upshot: "A busy guy's smartest approach is to train his entire body every other day," says trainer Craig Rasmussen, C.
Build your workouts around complex, multijoint movements like squats, deadlifts, and cleans, and watch the abs gradually show. The reason: Classic ab moves like crunches and situps work the muscles that allow you to flex that is, round your lower spine.
True core exercises, on the other hand, train the muscles much, much more than that, says MH fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C. And you can do that with better core exercises than crunches. Incorporate these targeted ab moves not as the entree in your workouts but as side dishes. Keep focusing on those big exercises squats, deadlifts, etc.
The plank, and its many variations, is one of the most important exercises you can do. The basic move may appear boring and easy—after all, you look like you're simply holding a pushup position with your weight supported on your forearms or hands.
What's more, he adds, the plank is key because it teaches you to make your core stiff. So how do you perfect this exercise? Focus on keeping your spine aligned, squeezing your core and glutes to activate your muscles. And remember that you can always evolve the plank to incorporate more challenge while maintaining that tight core and glutes.