The health continuum refers to an integrated system of health care that follows a patient through time or through a range of services. The goal of a health continuum is to offer a more comprehensive patient care. Find more terms and definitions using our Dictionary Search. Health Continuum appears in:. Handbook of Research on Geriatric Health Search inside this book for more research materials. Recommend to a Librarian Recommend to a Colleague.
Looking for research materials? Search our database for more Health Continuum downloadable research papers. Full text search our database of , titles for Health Continuum to find related research papers.
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Skip to content. Episodic care has disadvantages for everyone involved: Providers are unable to view patients holistically, for example by taking their socio-economic circumstances or family history into consideration. Patients with a chronic illness become especially vulnerable to complications and adverse effects.
Insurers often end up paying for high-cost emergency room interventions, rather than ongoing primary care that supports health and wellness. What is a Full Continuum of Care? What are examples of Continuum of Care? They are: Community-based services. Home health nurses can help to expand the continuum by visiting patients at home to perform assessments and provide essential services.
Telemedicine functions like remote monitoring can expand the continuum even further by allowing nurses to coordinate services and plan interventions for rural residents. Disease management programs. Patients with a chronic illness like diabetes or congestive heart failure can benefit from nurse-led quality initiatives that are designed to meet the specific needs of the group.
Nurses with a specialty in disease management can coordinate an entire spectrum of services aimed at correcting behavioral, economic, and environmental barriers to care, in order to promote healthy behaviors and the self-management of chronic conditions. Health information systems. An integrated information system is essential to seamless transitions along the continuum. In order to provide high-quality, cost-effective care, providers need data that follows the patient over time across various health settings and geographic borders.
Nurse informaticians can have a positive impact on the design of patient-centric systems. Case management services.