If you want to do more research have a look at the Fairtrade website. Read More. Registered Company: Legal Information. All Rights Reserved. Report an issue. What is Fairtrade and why is it important?
Mohammad talks about Fairtrade, and why it's important to buy Fairtrade products when you can. Written by Mohammad Naeem. Voices - Advice Young people share advice based on their experiences. What are the issues? How does Fairtrade help? How can we support Fairtrade? Related articles. Written by Anonymous. Written by Amy O'Brien. Written by Maria Conte. Our work is supported by.
Members demonstrate that trade can be a positive force for improving living standards, health, education, the distribution of power, and the environment in the communities with which they work. Pay Promptly Fair Trade empowers producers to set prices within a framework of the true costs of labor, time, materials, sustainable growth, and related factors.
Members take steps to ensure that producers have the capacity to manage this process. Members comply with or exceed international, national, local, and where applicable, Fair Trade Minimum standards for their employees and producers.
Members seek to ensure that income is distributed equitably at all times, particularly equal pay for equal work by women and men. Members ensure prompt payment to all their partners. Producers are offered access to interest-free advance payment for handmade goods, or pre-finance of agricultural harvest with favorable terms.
Support Safe and Empowering Working Conditions Fair Trade mans a safe and healthy working environment free of forced labor. Throughout the trading chain, members cultivate workplaces that empower people to participate in the decisions that affect them. Members seek to eliminate discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, age,marital, or health status.
Members support workplaces free from physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse. Ensure the Rights of Children Fair Trade means that all children have the right to security, education, and play. Throughout the trading chain, Members respect and support the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as local laws and social norms. Members disclose the involvement of children in production. Members do not support child trafficking and exploitative child labor.
In addition, a Fairtrade Premium is also paid into a communal fund for workers and farmers to use as they see fit — this could be on education or healthcare for their children, improving their business or building infrastructure such as roads and bridges for their community.
To be Fairtrade certified organisations must conform to rigorous environmental standards. Browse Fairtrade in our shop. Coffee farmers in Costa Rica have invested in ovens fuelled by the discarded coffee husks of the very beans they are roasting. The Nicaraguan UCA cooperative has built a pre-school using the premium earned from its coffee. Fairtrade means zero-tolerance of child labour, and the organisation works to bring an end to such practices. Children under 18 years old are banned from work that endangers them or their schooling.
And children under 15 are not to be employed by Fairtrade organisations. Fairtrade Fortnight runs from the end of February through to March and promotes products and the wider benefits of buying Fairtrade. Browse our Fairtrade items. The benefits of Fairtrade. How does Fairtrade work and what are the advantages? Here are just some of the benefits of buying Fairtrade. Published: 02 Mar 3 min ute read. Why buy Fairtrade? What does the Fairtrade Mark mean?
Fairtrade International is the most widely-recognised ethical label in the world. Fairtrade facts and figures There are 1. There are a total of 1, Fairtrade producer organisations in 74 countries. A quarter of all workers in Fairtrade are women.