The swamps. The cemetery. Sookie's home. High school. Pick a food:. Creamy Tomato Soup with Basil. Cole Slaw Burger Topper. Black Bean Salsa. French-Toasted Club Sandwich. Deep Fried Pancakes. Gourmet Chicken Salad. Beef Bourguignon. What is your ride? Pick one:. I am straight. I'm Bi. I'm Gay. Who's your best friend? I don't have any friends. My childhood friend. My co-worker. What's your aspiration? Who's your favorite True blood villain? Salome Agrippa.
Marnie Stonebrook. Rusell Edgington. Steve Newlin. Maryann Forrester. Macklyn Warlow. Sarah Newlin. A parent. Prime Minister. Business owner. What colour hair do you have? Different colour. Whos the most important person in your life. My children. No one. Favourite place to hang out? Sookies house.
Goddess Moon Emporium. Favourite character. May affect your result slightly. Do you want children? Not sure. I have them. Who would you want to kill? Russell Edgington. Would you try the drug V? Whose death did you morn the most? Adele Stackhouse. Terry Bellefleu. Tommy Mickens. Tara Thornton. Bill Compton.
Luna Garza. Last question. What is your favourite colour from the following. Jess Hamby. Sookie Stackhouse. Heading into the year anniversary of the show, we are choosing to honor these characters with the closest thing we have to otherworldliness, astrology.
Click through to see how yours matches up. Maybe you know Paula Patton for her role in Oscar nom, Precious. Perhaps you were a fan of the background vocals she laid for Usher in the mids. The reality dating show contestant-to-influencer pipeline is real, and it may be the only practical motivation for Black women to join the ranks. Even in the early.