Which idea was most characteristic of the renaissance

The first one was inspired by Seneca and consisted in the presentation, in works such as De vita solitaria The Life of Solitude and De otio religioso On Religious Leisure , of a way of life in which the cultivation of the scholarly work and ethical perfection are one. The second was his elaboration of Stoic therapy against emotional distress in De secreto conflictu curarum mearum On the Secret Conflict of My Worries , an inner dialogue of the sort prescribed by Cicero and Seneca, and in De remediis utriusque fortunae Remedies for Good and Bad Fortune , , a huge compendium based on a short apocryphal tract attributed at the time to Seneca.

They accused the Stoics of suppressing all emotions and criticized their view for its inhuman rigidity. In contrast to the extreme ethical stance of the Stoics, they preferred the more moderate Peripatetic position, arguing that it provides a more realistic basis for morality, since it places the acquisition of virtue within the reach of normal human capacities.

Another Stoic doctrine that was often criticized on religious grounds was the conviction that the wise man is entirely responsible for his own happiness and has no need of divine assistance. The most important exponent of Stoicism during the Renaissance was the Flemish humanist Justus Lipsius — , who worked hard to brighten the appeal of Stoicism to Christians.

His first Neostoic work was De constantia On Constancy , , in which he promoted Stoic moral philosophy as a refuge from the horrors of the civil and religious wars that ravaged the continent at the time.

Together they constituted the most learned account of Stoic philosophy produced since antiquity. During the Middle Ages, Epicureanism was associated with contemptible atheism and hedonist dissipation. He argued that pleasure, according to Epicurus, is not opposed to virtue, but both guided and produced by it.

Some humanists tried to harmonize Epicurean with Christian doctrine. To the ultimate good of the Stoics, that is, virtue practiced for its own sake, Valla opposed that of the Epicureans, represented by pleasure, on the grounds that pleasure comes closer to Christian happiness, which is superior to either pagan ideal. The revival of ancient philosophy was particularly dramatic in the case of Skepticism, whose revitalisation grew out of many of the currents of Renaissance thought and contributed to make the problem of knowledge crucial for early modern philosophy.

The major ancient texts stating the Skeptical arguments were slightly known in the Middle Ages. The most significant and influential figure in the development of Renaissance Skepticism is Michel de Montaigne — The most thorough presentation of his Skeptical views occurs in Apologie de Raimond Sebond Apology for Raymond Sebond , the longest and most philosophical of his essays.

In it, he developed in a gradual manner the many kinds of problems that make people doubt the reliability of human reason. He considered in detail the ancient Skeptical arguments about the unreliability of information gained by the senses or by reason, about the inability of human beings to find a satisfactory criterion of knowledge, and about the relativity of moral opinions.

He concluded that people should suspend judgment on all matters and follow customs and traditions. He combined these conclusions with fideism.

Many Renaissance appropriators of Academic and Pyrrhonian Skeptical arguments did not see any intrinsic value in Skepticism, but rather used it to attack Aristotelianism and disparage the claims of human science. They challenged the intellectual foundations of medieval Scholastic learning by raising serious questions about the nature of truth and about the ability of humans to discover it.

In Examen vanitatis doctrinae gentium et veritatis Christianae disciplinae Examination of the Vanity of Pagan Doctrine and of the Truth of Christian Teaching , , Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola — set out to prove the futility of pagan doctrine and the truth of Christianity.

He regarded Skepticism as ideally suited to his campaign, since it challenged the possibility of attaining certain knowledge by means of the senses or by reason, but left the scriptures, grounded in divine revelation, untouched.

In the first part of the work, he used the Skeptical arguments contained in the works of Sextus Empiricus against the various schools of ancient philosophy; and in the second part he turned Skepticism against Aristotle and the Peripatetic tradition.

His aim was not to call everything into doubt, but rather to discredit every source of knowledge except scripture and condemn all attempts to find truth elsewhere as vain. In a similar way, Agrippa von Nettesheim — , whose real name was Heinrich Cornelius, demonstrated in De incertitudine et vanitate scientiarum atque artium On the Uncertainty and Vanity of the Arts and Sciences , the contradictions of scientific doctrines. With stylistic brilliance, he described the controversies of the established academic community and dismissed all academic endeavors in view of the finitude of human experience, which in his view comes to rest only in faith.

The fame of the Portuguese philosopher and medical writer Francisco Sanches — rests mainly on Quod nihil scitur That Nothing Is Known , , one of the best systematic expositions of philosophical Skepticism produced during the sixteenth century. This method was supposed to be expounded in another book that was either lost, remained unpublished, or was not written at all. In , Nicolaus Copernicus — published De revolutionibus orbium coelestium On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres , which proposed a new calculus of planetary motion based on several new hypotheses, such as heliocentrism and the motion of the earth.

The first generation of readers underestimated the revolutionary character of the work and regarded the hypotheses of the work only as useful mathematical fictions. Yet, the Aristotelian representation of the universe did not remain unchallenged and new visions of nature, its principles, and its mode of operation started to emerge. Therefore, they stopped trying to adjust the Aristotelian system and turned their backs on it altogether.

Telesio grounded his system on a form of empiricism, which maintained that nature can only be understood through sense perception and empirical research. In , two years before his death, he published the definitive version of his work De rerum natura iuxta propria principia On the Nature of Things according to their Own Principles. The book is a frontal assault on the foundations of Peripatetic philosophy, accompanied by a proposal for replacing Aristotelianism with a system more faithful to nature and experience.

According to Telesio, the only things that must be presupposed are passive matter and the two principles of heat and cold, which are in perpetual struggle to occupy matter and exclude their opposite.

These principles were meant to replace the Aristotelian metaphysical principles of matter and form. De rerum natura iuxta propria principia was included on the Index of Prohibited Books published in Rome in Thereafter, he was censured, tortured, and repeatedly imprisoned for his heresies. In contrast to Telesio, who was a fervent critic of metaphysics and insisted on a purely empiricist approach in natural philosophy, Patrizi developed a program in which natural philosophy and cosmology were connected with their metaphysical and theological foundations.

Inspired by such Platonic predecessors as Proclus and Ficino, Patrizi elaborated his own philosophical system in Nova de universalis philosophia The New Universal Philosophy , , which is divided in four parts: Panaugia, Panarchia, Pampsychia, and Pancosmia. He saw light as the basic metaphysical principle and interpreted the universe in terms of the diffusion of light. The fourth and last part of the work, in which he expounded his cosmology showing how the physical world derives its existence from God, is by far the most original and important.

In it, he replaced the four Aristotelian elements with his own alternatives: space, light, heat, and humidity. Gassendi and Henry More — adopted his concept of space, which indirectly came to influence Newton. A more radical cosmology was proposed by Bruno, who was an extremely prolific writer.

In these, with inspiration from Lucretius, the Neoplatonists, and, above all, Nicholas of Cusa, he elaborates a coherent and strongly articulated ontological monism. Individual beings are conceived as accidents or modes of a unique substance, that is, the universe, which he describes as an animate and infinitely extended unity containing innumerable worlds.

Although an infinite universe was by no means his invention, he was the first to locate a heliocentric system in infinite space. In , he was burned at the stake by the Inquisition for his heretical teachings. Even though these new philosophies of nature anticipated some of the defining features of early modern thought, many of their methodological characteristics appeared to be inadequate in the face of new scientific developments.

The methodology of Galileo Galilei — and of the other pioneers of the new science was essentially mathematical. Lorenzo Casini Email: lorenzo. Renaissance Philosophy The Renaissance, that is, the period that extends roughly from the middle of the fourteenth century to the beginning of the seventeen century, was a time of intense, all-encompassing, and, in many ways, distinctive philosophical activity. Aristotelianism Improved access to a great deal of previously unknown literature from ancient Greece and Rome was an important aspect of Renaissance philosophy.

Humanism The humanist movement did not eliminate older approaches to philosophy, but contributed to change them in important ways, providing new information and new methods to the field. Platonism During the Renaissance, it gradually became possible to take a broader view of philosophy than the traditional Peripatetic framework permitted. Hellenistic Philosophies Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Skepticism underwent a revival over the course of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as part of the ongoing recovery of ancient literature and thought.

New Philosophies of Nature In , Nicolaus Copernicus — published De revolutionibus orbium coelestium On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres , which proposed a new calculus of planetary motion based on several new hypotheses, such as heliocentrism and the motion of the earth. References and Further Reading Allen, M. Bellitto, C. Bianchi, L. Blum, P. Copenhaver, B.

Damiens, S. Dougherty, M. Ernst, G. Marshall Dordrecht: Springer, I have the fa-nus Idea. No idea bro. The idea of creativity.

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