Which flank is the cutie mark on

You also can see it here. I think it is kind of logical, since we had to see a blank flank when they turned around. Yep, they do. I have no evidence, but I am sure about it. Take WiiGuy 's evidence. While the evidence posted by wiiguy shows two cutie marks, judging by how the merchandice plushies, toys, ext show only one cutie mark, I'm willing to bet its an animation error.

The fact that in hieroks picture fluttershy has twilight sparkle's cutie mark reinforced the fact that is possibly an animation error. Except for the fact that if they only had one, then they would turn to reveal a blank flank on one side - which they don't note that the camera maintains a fixed viewpoint whilst Rainbow turns.

The same can be seen for Twilight at around the 1 minute mark. I vaguely recall the commentary from the first season mentioning that they had a mark on both sides as well. But here's the thing: The merchandice of the ponies only show one cutie mark per side. So, either its just some of the show, so either its an error or Hasbro fudged up with the toys and whatnot.

Considering that before Cadence was part of the show Celestia toys were pink, I would say that the toys are the ones with the mistake. Characters are always facing different directions depending on the scenes - sometimes they'll be looking to the left, showing the left side of their body and vice versa; there's always a cutie mark regardless unless it was an animation error. The norm is that they have one on both sides, not one specific side. If a cutie mark is missing on a pony who should have a mark, that is considered an animation error and not that there's a cutie mark featured on the left or right side.

Some of that is Hasbro just being cheap. If there's merch with the mark on both sides, doesn't that indicate it is intentional? Plus there are various toys that depict the same character with a cutie mark on different sides. So if I have a Rainbow Dash toy where the cutie mark is on her left flank, and a toy where it's on her right flank, is it canonically in the show only supposed to be on her left flank, her right flank, or both? My apologies. Only some of them. Funko wound up adjusting their manufacturing process to make the figures more show accurate by including a cutie mark on both flanks of all characters after a specific point in that line.

But hey, there is a quick way to get to the bottom of it Novel concept. As has been established, the actual characters in the show do, but in most merch they're only on one side. BillyTheShark said: Eeyup. I searched two episodes and on the first episode:left side,Second episode:right side,:3 lol. TrollBerry said: In cupcakes ugghhh It It was on b.. Or Fan-Made Animation.. So Not Scary..

Natali posted over a year ago. But still not that scary Windwakerguy posted over a year ago. Its fanmade so stop O. O Aph-Finland posted over a year ago. Hairity said: Yes, you can see it in 'Suited for success'!

FuzzyMango said: Yes. Because if you have ever read cupcakes, it says that she cut off each thigh, so there. Although cutie marks are supposed to be unique, background ponies ' cutie marks are often chosen at random from a set of 'stock' cutie marks.

Lauren Faust , in a DeviantArt message, relayed that the cutie marks of background ponies are chosen at random. She jokingly referred to them as "butt symbols. Music notes are another common mark and are present on all three types of background ponies. Occasionally, adult ponies appear without cutie marks, some instances of which have been explained by Lauren Faust as an oversight. Magical Mystery Cure deals with a magic spell that switches cutie marks between ponies.

Twilight unintentionally switches her friends' cutie marks using Star Swirl the Bearded 's unfinished spell. With their switched cutie marks, the ponies assume that their cutie marks define what they do, singing the phrase "It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me".

Twilight Sparkle manages to remind them what their actual destinies are, and they regain their original cutie marks. In the two-part season four finale , the cutie marks of ponies who lose their magic whether stolen by Lord Tirek or voluntarily given up vanish, either entirely in most cases or partially in the case of Princess Luna. During the season 5 premiere, The Cutie Map - Part 1 and Part 2 , Starlight Glimmer uses a spell that removes a pony's cutie mark, replacing it with an equals sign.

This adds a gray tone to the victim's color and effectively disrupts the talents associated with the cutie mark. The equals mark Starlight Glimmer dons is a fake, as she reveals in the second part to have simply painted it over her real cutie mark to hide it. This spell also demonstrates that cutie marks that have been separated from their owner can be stored, as Starlight Glimmer holds the missing marks in jars or in the Cutie Vault.

When the marks are released, they return to the ponies they originally belonged to. In A Royal Problem , Starlight Glimmer temporarily switches the cutie marks of Princesses Celestia and Luna, which also switches their magical auras and abiliities. In The Cutie Pox , Twilight Sparkle reads that there used to be an epidemic in Equestria , referred to as "cutie pox", that caused ponies to sustain more than one random cutie mark, and it caused these ponies to involuntarily perform tasks as per given cutie marks, which appeared all over their bodies, not just their flanks.

The phenomenon is not elaborated upon though, as the epidemic itself remains a historical mystery because it appeared and disappeared without a trace, according to the book Twilight Sparkle reads on the subject. A modern case of a cutie pox victim is Apple Bloom. In Ponyville Confidential , it is shown that cutie marks only appear as part of the pony's coat, as when both Snips and Snails have their flanks shaved due to a bubble-gum related incident, there is nothing but bare skin underneath where their own cutie marks were.

In Magic Duel , Snails' cutie mark turns into an older looking snail with glasses and a beard after Trixie uses an age spell on him and Snips. In Bats!


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