Linda F. Clare P. William Chueh Stanford University Verified email at stanford. Wolfgang Zeier University of Muenster Verified email at uni-muenster. Kanatzidis Northwestern University Verified email at northwestern. Aaron M. Benjamin J. Jean-marie tarascon College de France. Saif A Haque imperial. Verified email at bath. Lithium batteries Perovskite solar cells Solid electrolytes Solid state ionics Materials design. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title Sort Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title.
Journal of Materials chemistry 10 4 , , Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1 , , Journal of the American Chemical Society 46 , , Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 27 , , Journal of Materials Chemistry 13 8 , , In broad terms, our research programme combines advanced computer modelling methods with structural techniques in the study of new solid state materials for "clean energy" applications, as outlined below.
Selected publications by research theme. Rechargeable lithium batteries have helped in the worldwide revolution in portable electronics. However, next-generation batteries for electric vehicles and grid storage will rely on the discovery and development of novel Li- and Na-ion conducting materials. Humanist marriages. Humanist marriages are currently legally recognised in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but not England and Wales.
Elsewhere, couples having a humanist ceremony must also have a separate civil marriage. We work to change that. Religious education. We work to ensure that such education is critical, objective, and pluralistic. Bishops in the House of Lords. This unique privilege is unfair, unjustified and unpopular. Assisted dying. We believe individuals should have a right to decide to end their life if they are suffering, and that relatives and doctors should be able to assist that person.
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