The kilogram pound GALEX scientific satellite, which Orbital designed and built at its Dulles, Virginia satellite manufacturing facility, was accurately delivered into its targeted orbit approximately kilometers miles above the Earth, inclined at 29 degrees to the equator.
The powered flight sequence for the GALEX mission took about 11 minutes, from the time the Pegasus rocket was released from its L carrier aircraft at approximately a. EDT to the time that the satellite was deployed into orbit. Preliminary information indicates that the GALEX satellite is working as planned in the early stages of its mission.
Pegasus is the world's leading launch system for the deployment of small satellites into low-Earth orbit. Some of the mission's highlights include helping astronomers identify the largest known spiral galaxy in the universe, a behemoth called NGC ; catching a black hole in the act of gobbling up a star; and discovering a missing link in galaxy evolution, a sort of "teenage stage" between young and old.
GALEX observations also independently confirmed the nature of dark energy, the mysterious force thought to be causing the accelerating expansion of the universe, NASA officials said. During its year in Caltech's hands, GALEX searched the sky for feeding black holes and the shock waves from long-ago star explosions, or supernovae.
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