Provides a small heal based on mastery stat to only the receiving target of Renewing Mist initial application only , Enveloping Mist and Vivify. If that target has the HoT that is applied by Essence Font, then that target will receive 2 small heals instead of one. Requires Monk. Requires level Each time you are hit by a melee attack, or hit with Blackout Kick, you gain stacking 8.
Blackout Strike critical hits grant an additional 1 stack of Elusive Brawler. Blackout Strike deals an additional damage. What stats does a monk need in wow? Last edited by AidanRyuko; at AM. Shintao Light Monk PrE is complete, easier to equip your fists bypass additional DR such as cold iron and silver , more party-oriented buffs and AoE crowd control and got some self-healing.
I play a Dark Monk, but I reckon that Shintao might be easier to play, if you are ungeared. Originally Posted by sacredguyver. OP, maybe take a look at this post click here. This build might be something for you, as it is very self sufficient, easy to level but can be made 'epic ready' with some gear.
The most important stats for a monk are going to depend on what type of monk build you are going for. Strength is a great stat for a monk. A high Strength will help your to-hit and damage, gives you a higher DC for stunning blow and trip, as well as make you able to carry more loot without becoming uncentered. Wisdom adds to the DC's of your special abilities, adds to your will saves, and increases your AC while centered.
A high wisdom is necessary if you want to be able to land your special attacks effectively on mobs in high level raids and epic quests. Dexterity is good if you plan on doing a high AC build using weapon finess for your attacks.
When you have the weapon finess feat, it uses your Dexterity Bonus for your Attack Rolls instead of Strength but still uses Strength for your Damage Rolls. A 17 is needed for Greater Two Weapon Fighting. Constitution is an important stat for monks. It determines the amount of Hit Points you have, and effects your maximum Ki pool, as well as the amount of Ki you regenerate with the capstone ability. The more hit points you can get, the better this goes for any class. Intelligence determines the amount of skill points you have available.
You won't need it to be very high, but a couple of extra skill points are nice if you have the stat points to spare on it. Charisma doesn't do much for a monk, but it will effect skills like intimidate, diplomacy, bluff, and haggle.
A Fine Antique Legwear "There are only two things that are infinate. The universe, and human stupidity. Although I'm not sure of the first. STR is what gives you more damage, increases your to-hit which is sometimes a problem with monks in some epics and high AC enemies, especially when under geared and raises the DC of stunning blow.
All times are GMT Your Martial Arts class feature depends on being unarmored and Unarmored Movement only works if you are unarmored as well. They can take the dodge action as a bonus action, which allows them to impose disadvantage on attacks for the turn.
This enables them to make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, use the monk damage die for their level, and use dexterity for their unarmed strikes and non finesse monk weapon attacks. This means you can wear heavy armour. What are the best stats for Windwalker Monk? What does mastery do for Windwalker Monk?
How much haste should a Windwalker Monk have?