What is the difference between species and varieties

In biology, species is considered to be the most fundamental taxonomic rank, yet in the horticultural world, there are further classifications of subspecies, variety and cultivar. While most avid succulent collectors are familiar with genus and species names, confusion abounds when it comes to distinguishing between these three sub-ranks of taxonomy.

Here is a simple breakdown of the three:. The rank of subspecies exists beneath a species and above a variety. A subspecies designation is applied to a plant that is geographically isolated from other members of its species in habitat and therefore does not interbreed for this reason although genetically possible. Because of this geographic isolation, subspecies can often take on different physical characteristics from other members of the species. One example from the succulent world is Crassula pubescens ssp.

The former possesses fuzzy leaves, while the latter does not. Sometimes the terms subspecies and variety are used interchangeably, though this is not technically taxonomically correct. A ssp. Crassula pubescens ssp. A variety is a naturally occurring variation of a plant within a species. One classic succulent example is Cotyledon orbiculata. There are many naturally occurring varieties of this species, including the round-leaf Cotyledon orbiculata var. Hagedoorn-Vorstheuvel La Brand.

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Arend L. Hagedoorn-Vorstheuvel La Brand There are no affiliations available. Personalised recommendations. Cite chapter How to cite? ENW EndNote. The organisms of one species are incapable of reproducing with another organism from another species and still produce an offspring that belongs to either species.

Instead, offspring born as a result of a mating between two different species is called hybrid species. Species refer to a specific organism within a genus. When a group of organisms develops unique traits due to geographical or environmental isolation, these unique traits are termed as varieties. Variety is a taxonomic rank used to classify plants. The comparative term for variety in the animal kingdom is subspecies. A species can have many different types of varieties and all these varieties occur naturally.

Most varieties are true to type, which means that they produce offspring which are similar to the parent plant. In other words, when the seedlings from a variety of plant growth, they will also inherit the same unique characteristics as the parent plant.

Species is the level that defines an individual organism. Species are the most basic category in the system of taxonomy followed by subspecies, varieties, type, form and races, all these ranks are inferior when compared to species.

Variety is a taxonomical rank lower than species but above form. All the plants in this category are only slightly different from the species plant. You can further understand the differences with the help of examples. As we already mentioned earlier that one species can have many different types of varieties which all are naturally occurring variations.

These variations are not absolutely but only slightly different than the species. We will take the example of a plant called eastern redbud which grows throughout most of the eastern USA.


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